Foto: Wiebke Nowack

Presenting and networking at the VÖW Summer School

In September 2021 a Summer School of the Vereinigung für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (VÖW, English: Association for Ecological Economy Research) took place under the theme “Sustainable land use: between economic parameters, agricultural policy requirements and societal demands”. It was here that Ingrid Bunker presented her social science research into the bioeconomic innovation of using insects as manure recyclers and animal feed, with the focus being on the societal acceptability toward this innovation.

This event bought together young scientists from diverse fields and different institutes/universities, united by the research topic of sustainable land use. With each participant presenting their work, valuable insights were provided into the exciting research within and across disciplines related to farming and land use. The lively discussions following each presentation showed not only a great interest in inter- and transdisciplinary exchange but also promise for future interactions.

As the seminar facilities in which the summer school was held is associated with an adjoining farm, a tour of this farm provided practical insights of day to day operation as well as a captivating Q&A session with farm management.

Photos: Wiebke Nowack