Presentation at Workshop: “It‘s the (bio)economy, stupid!” in Jena

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From 07.10.2020 to 08.10.2020, Jonathan Friedrich and Jana Zscheischler participated in the workshop “It’s the (bio)economy, stupid!” organized by the BMBF junior research group flumen. with a paper and presentation. The workshop focused on multiple perspectives on bio-economic transformation processes and their societal contexts and implications. In the workshop, which was organized as a hybrid format (analogue and digital), biophysical as well as social science discourses around the bio-economy were brought together and discussed. This allowed Jonathan Friedrich and Jana Zscheischler to gain new insights into the discourse on the bioeconomy and to establish new scientific contacts. Jonathan Friedrich and Jana Zscheischler presented a paper entitled “How to solve the manure issue in Germany? Conflicts around bioeconomic future visions”, which referred to the first findings of Jonathan Friedrich’s ongoing empirical research. The paper discussed the different perspectives on the manure issue, bioeconomic innovations and visions of different actors, with the aim to identify different and conflicting socio-technical imaginaries in order to anticipate and moderate present and future trade-offs related to a transformation to a bio-economy in the agricultural sector at an early stage.