
Presentation at the Rural Studies Workshop at the Thünen-Institute in Braunschweig

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On 09.09.2021 and 10.09.2021 a PhD workshop took place at the Thünen-institute in Braunschweig under the topic “Everyday life and tensions in rural areas”. In this context, Jonathan Friedrich presented the results of his dissertation project in a lecture entitled “What does research of imaginations contribute to the analyses of… Read More »Presentation at the Rural Studies Workshop at the Thünen-Institute in Braunschweig


At this year’s annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V. (, which will take place online from 22-24 September 2021 at the Humbold University of Berlin, at the Department of Agricultural Economics, BIOKUM will also be present with two poster presentations. In the context of… Read More »BIOKUM at GEWISOLA 2021

What do working conditions in the meat industry have to do with a sustainability transformation?

For us, too, it’s not always just about manure. Taking into account complex interrelationships in the agri-food system, we also look at other aspects that are relevant in a sustainability transformation. In a scientific article, published in the first issue of GAIA in 2021, Jonathan Friedrich, Jana Zscheischler and Heiko… Read More »What do working conditions in the meat industry have to do with a sustainability transformation?

Presentation at Workshop: “It‘s the (bio)economy, stupid!” in Jena

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From 07.10.2020 to 08.10.2020, Jonathan Friedrich and Jana Zscheischler participated in the workshop “It’s the (bio)economy, stupid!” organized by the BMBF junior research group flumen. with a paper and presentation. The workshop focused on multiple perspectives on bio-economic transformation processes and their societal contexts and implications. In the workshop, which… Read More »Presentation at Workshop: “It‘s the (bio)economy, stupid!” in Jena