BioKum Team

Conference of the “New Cultural Geography” (NKG) in Bonn/ Germany

From January 30th to February 1st 2020, the conference “New Cultural Geography” took place for the 17th time, this year in Bonn. The motto of the conference was “Technocultures and Technoscapes”. In this context, Jonathan Friedrich gave a presentation entitled “Making gold out of shit? – a critical reflection on… Read More »Conference of the “New Cultural Geography” (NKG) in Bonn/ Germany

Research Stay at Manaaki Whenua Landcare in Lincoln / Aotearoa New Zealand

Like Germany, New Zealand has problems with high nutrient surpluses resulting from intensive livestock farming.Over the course of three weeks, Dr. Jana Zscheischler visited colleagues at Manaaki Whenua Landcare and at Lincoln University to exchange experiences, discuss different solutions and explore future cooperation opportunities. Photo: The eutrophication of rivers and… Read More »Research Stay at Manaaki Whenua Landcare in Lincoln / Aotearoa New Zealand