BioKum Team

Foto: Wiebke Nowack

Presenting and networking at the VÖW Summer School

In September 2021 a Summer School of the Vereinigung für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (VÖW, English: Association for Ecological Economy Research) took place under the theme “Sustainable land use: between economic parameters, agricultural policy requirements and societal demands”. It was here that Ingrid Bunker presented her social science research into the bioeconomic… Read More »Presenting and networking at the VÖW Summer School

BioKum presents its research at GEWISOLA 2021

“Transformation processes in the agricultural and food system: challenges for economics and social sciences”- that was the title of this year’s annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V. ( Under the title “Insects in the Bioeconomy: Acceptability of Using Insects for Livestock Feed in Europe”,… Read More »BioKum presents its research at GEWISOLA 2021

German Sustainability Science Summit – Dr. Jana Zscheischler invited to comment on the position paper

On 8 and 9 July 2021, the German Sustainability Summit 2021 took place as an interactive virtual event. As part of the Summit, the German Committee for Sustainability Research presented its new position paper, which is to be developed into a joint research agenda for the coming years. Dr. Jana… Read More »German Sustainability Science Summit – Dr. Jana Zscheischler invited to comment on the position paper

Publication: Bioeconomy and Social-Ecological Transformation

Newly published study analyses bioeconomic innovations in terms of their contribution to a socio-ecological transformation The current environmental crises underline the urgent need for a global socio-ecological transformation of the agricultural and food system. In this context, the bioeconomy and bioeconomic innovations are often seen as an instrument for more… Read More »Publication: Bioeconomy and Social-Ecological Transformation

Black Soldier Fly. Source:: Pixabay.

Interviews underway for the sub-project “Insects in the bioeconomy”

In the scope of the BioKum sub-project „Insects in the Bioeconomy“, Ingrid Bunker has started carrying out interviews. The aim of the interviews is to explore the soceital acceptibility of cultivating insects on manure and the use of insects as protein-rich feed and to capture the attitudes, opinions, and concerns… Read More »Interviews underway for the sub-project “Insects in the bioeconomy”

Jana Zscheischler awarded with “Transformative Science” research prize

Dr. Jana Zscheischler has received the research award for “Transformative Science” of the Wuppertal Institute. The co-leader of BioKum convinced the jury with her theoretically sound research as well as methodical and practical implementation. Her work on the potential in sustainable land management is particularly emphasized. The “Transformative Science” research… Read More »Jana Zscheischler awarded with “Transformative Science” research prize

Another milestone reached

BioKum has reached another milestone, compiling a catalog of bioeconomic innovations and options to reduce nitrogen inputs and greenhouse gases. At present, 81 specific options have been included that intervene in management at farm level as well as in inter- or extra-farm level, and can thus have a positive and… Read More »Another milestone reached

Interviews started

As part of the data collection for his dissertation, Jonathan Friedrich has been conducting interviews with various actors since the beginning of June. The aim is to cover the broadest possible range of actors in order to explore the multiple and different perspectives on the topic of manure. Thematically, the… Read More »Interviews started

Annual conference of the German Society for Human Ecology

This year’s DGH annual conference took place from May 7th to 9th 2020, on the subject of “Digitization and sustainability. Human-ecological aspects”.In this context, Dr. Jana Zscheischler was invited to present first results from the transdisciplinary process in the DiDaT project on the socially responsible handling of digital data in… Read More »Annual conference of the German Society for Human Ecology